SCHEDULE your pet's first appointment online or by calling our office. Our office is located at 250 Henry Meyer Road, Winterville, GA 30683. Look for the brick building with our white and blue signs!
WHEN YOU ARRIVE park in one of the numbered parking spaces. You may check in inside our lobby or call/text the number on the sign in front of your parking space to speak with a receptionist. If you choose curbside check-in, one of our veterinary assistants will come to your vehicle shortly to begin your appointment. You may wait in your car or come inside with your pet for their appointment.
OUR VETERINARY ASSISTANTS will begin by asking about your pet’s medical history, current condition and the reason for your visit. One of our veterinarians will examine your pet and recommend diagnostic tests if needed. Once any tests have been run, your doctor will discuss a possible diagnosis and treatment plan, if warranted. Please ask any questions you may have! Our veterinary team wants to make sure you’re completely comfortable with the information we’re providing. A veterinary assistant will wrap up the appointment and answer any further questions you may have.
CHECKOUT with our front desk staff at the end of your appointment. We accept cash, credit card, Scratch pay, or Care credit. Don't forget to ask about our over-the-counter items available for purchase in our lobby. We are excited to meet you and your pets!